


Academic Departments

We offer classes for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade.  We place students in classes based on skill level, not grade level.


Reading & Writing

Reading will focus on learning and practicing all types of skills that improve reading comprehension, including attention to vocabulary, contextual clues, re-reading for clarity, and finding the main idea. Students will also participate in listening to a read aloud, using discussions and written responses to reflect comprehension, and practice reading appropriate leveled books and materials.

Writing will focus on learning and practicing skills for writing a variety of genres, including stories, expository essays, persuasive essays, and poems. Students will also learn and practice grammar rules as appropriate for the writing genre. For example, how to properly punctuate dialogue in a story. Teachers will inform parents of specific skills covered each quarter.


Math clinics – These classes are designed to focus on targeted fundamental concepts, chosen to enrich and support the work that parents are doing at home. The Co-op teacher will use Math in Focus, Singapore Math, 2013, as the basic curriculum resources. Other resources will be used as needed to provide a rich experience.

Math Clinics are categorized into color strands, loosely organized by age groups. This allows students to be in a grouping that most meets their learning needs. Parents choose a Math Clinic based on their student’s needs.

The teacher will guide lessons to introduce and elaborate on concepts, allowing time for students to work with a small group, in pairs, or with one-on-one assistance to build understanding. All clinics will study word problems related to the concepts.

Language labs

These classes are designed to focus on concepts, chosen to enhance and enrich the work that parents are doing at home. Language Arts Labs are categorized into color strands, loosely organized by age groups. This allows students to be in a grouping that most meets their learning needs. Parents choose a Language Arts Lab based on their student’s needs. 


See thematic units description

Thematic units

Thematic Units are holistic approaches to a specific area of interest. Time is spent in meaningful learning, gathering information from a variety of resources, building vocabulary, discussing all sides of issues, exploring Biblical worldview within the unit, all while learning and applying academic skills to the unit study. Thematic units will have different offerings each quarter. They will be tailored to meet the learning needs of the targeted age-group.

  • Thematic Units combine learning across several content areas, such as Science, Social Studies, Art, Technology, and Music.
  • Opportunity for lots of types of instruction and participation
  • Content is learned in a natural way, in meaningful contexts
  • Students can follow an interest and guide their own learning more fully
  • When learning is in context, concepts are connected to each other in the brain, strengthening and deepening understanding of these concepts
  • Adult assistance helps every learner to access information, organize it, and respond to it
  • Naturally provides meaningful reading and writing.

Curriculum, Parent panels and more.

Parent Panels

This year we are launching new parent panels.  Parents, guardians, family members, will assist the teacher in the classroom on a daily basis helping with various tasks of compliling information for a thematic unit, gathering needed materials or planning a field trip.  Parent panels will consist of multiple people assisting the teacher and ultimately being equipped to teach others.

School lunch expectations

We do not offer school meals.  Families are expected to send a lunch, snack(s) and water with each student on all school days.  Please make sure you’ve packed enough so your child can learn and not be distracted by a growling tummy.

Academic Standards

As a homeschool parent, you are in charge of your student’s learning.  Washington state has rules on what is required.  Please visit the homepage and click on the link for those requirements.  We do not report academics to the OSPI or Washington state.  We also do not offer records for other schools.

Extracurricular Activities

Sometimes a parent/teacher will plan a field trip.  These are not school based and are independent from CHC.  We also do not offer busing or transportation to these events.  It’s a great opportunity for you to get to know the other parents/guardians in our co-op.

Technology In the Classroom

We do use technology in the classrooms as needed.  Computers are available when a class is working on a specific online project.  We do ask that parent/guardians do not allow electronic games/devices to be brought to classes.