Answers to your questions!

What classes do you offer?

Elementary students: We offer core classes on Mondays & Wednesdays which include Language Arts, Bible, Math and Thematic units (project based learning).  Students attend the same class both days.

Secondary students (7th – 12th grades) have Language Arts, Math, History, Science, Bible, World language and PE.

Elective classes which are optional are available on Fridays.  These classes are offered depending on what the teacher wants to teach and they change each quarter.  Previous classes have included ballet, painting, drawing, robotics, theater, clay, sewing, home economics, board games, sports and more.

Full time or part time enrollment, what is the difference?

Students can attend full time or part time.  Full time students are taking 4 or more classes.  Part time students are taking less than 4 classes.  Students can take a minimum of one class or a full schedule.

Our co-op has multiple options, and many families choose to tailor to their specific needs. If you enroll in a core class, they will be on Mondays and Wednesdays. “Full-time” means your student attends all classes on Monday and Wednesday.

Elementary students would have Bible, Math, Language Arts and then in the afternoon a longer themed unit. Themed units change every quarter and incorporate science and social studies, with a lot of hands-on project and multi-sensory learning. Examples of themes from this year: Amazing Animals, Countries and Cultures, Medieval History, Antarctica, Horses, etc… 

Some students register for 2 or 3 classes in the morning, or for the full day. You could choose to only register for afternoons, which include a 20-30minute outdoor recess/theme play within the 2 hour theme block.

Fridays offer elective classes, which are individually priced and also change each quarter. Friday elective examples from this year include Mixed media art, theater, beginning embroidery, beginning ballet, beginning dance, elementary physics, painting, fun with clay, Lego challenge, stop motion video, etc…

Some families choose to only enroll for Fridays, only Monday/Wednesday or all three days. Tuition prices on the website are for Monday/Wednesday classes only. Secondary students have offerings in Language arts, Math, History, Science and usually an elective or 2 (PE and hopefully art, next year) We will have Spanish next year for High School.

Parent involvement

We are a co-op which means we include the parents/guardians. Each family is expected to volunteer a number of hours per week, depending on the enrollment of their student. Parents help in classrooms, at recess, in the lunchroom, cleaning, etc.

Kindergarten – 1.5 hours per week

Part Time (student is taking 1 to 2 classes per week) – 1.5 hours per week.

Full Time (student is taking 3 or more classes per week) – 3 hours per week.

Fridays Only – 1 hour per week

We do have alternate options available upon request. 

School lunch expectations

We do not offer school meals.  Families are expected to send a lunch, snack(s) and water with each student on all class days.  Please make sure you’ve packed enough so your child can learn and not be distracted by a growling tummy.

Academic Standards

As a homeschool parent, you are in charge of your student’s learning.  Washington state has rules on what is required.  Please visit the homepage and click on the link for those requirements.  We do not report academics to the OSPI or Washington state.  We also do not offer records for other schools.

Extracurricular Activities

Sometimes a parent/teacher will plan a field trip.  These are not school based and are independent from CHC.  We also do not offer busing or transportation to these events.  It’s a great opportunity for you to get to know the other parents/guardians in our co-op.

Technology In the Classroom

We do use technology in the classrooms as needed.  Computers are available when a class is working on a specific online project.  We do ask that parent/guardians do not allow electronic games/devices to be brought to classes.