Spring quarter electives begin

For our final quarter of this school year, we will offer spring quarter classes beginning on Friday, April 14th.  More details will be available in March.

Spring Showcase


Come and see what our students have been working on this quarter.  Special performances, projects and more!  Join us on Thursday, June 8th at 7pm.

Family picnic

Let's celebrate the end of the school year with a fun family picnic.  Details will be emailed to CHC families.

CHC Family Picnic

Hickman Park Edmonds

ALL CHC families are welcome to attend a picnic.  Come and meet the other students and families who are attending CHC this year.  Please bring your own food, beverages, blankets, chairs, etc.  This is just a time to come and meet.  This is a date change from the 8th.  

Parent training workshop and soup potluck


All families are required to attend this parent workshop.  Come and learn how we roll, what we expect and more.  Meet your children's teachers and hear what the classes will be taught. Bring your curriculum and follow along.  This will also be a soup potluck.  We will provide the soup if you will bring a […]